Interactive Multimedia
It is a set of video works that are the result of more than five years of work. They approach everyday experiences and socio-political issues that are marked by the ideological constructions of the Cuban political system. They intend to unveil behavior’s, practices, and thoughts rooted in the Cuban social and cultural imaginary; sometimes they are palpable and at other times they are concealed behind postures of simulation and the hectic pace with which everyday life is assumed.
In his process, rather than searching for an emotion or situation, Siré captured what was happening without prior preparation. The accident understood as the unexpected, is usually a characteristic of this work. However, on occasion, the artist intervened in the situation to modify the perception. The time of realization and the method were not regular, as they were dictated by the demands of each case.

Autocratism, 1:55 min, 4:3, 2010.
Autocratism is the imposition of a concept without the opportunity for denial. Childhood is mediated by an unfiltered learning process in which the world is absorbed through imitation, reflection, or contrast.
Is it possible to resist this imposition?
Ideology Reconstruction, 1:16 min, 4:3, 2011.
The video warns about how national symbols can become drugs for stagnation, mechanized and dysfunctional tools of an inoperative and outdated discourse.
Could an experience as intense as motherhood be intertwined with political conceptions?
Decoration, 4:52 min, 4:3, 2011.
A decoration is a distinction awarded to an individual as recognition for their merits, typically represented by a metallic piece with a specific shape, engraved with images or inscriptions related to its purpose. In this case, the piece is a fusion of the two currencies in circulation in Cuba.
In a context where social and political distinctions have been relegated to a secondary level, and moral concepts are distorted, people are primarily driven by money. Thus, double standards become a quality worthy of a decoration.